Health and wellness influencer, Chelcie May shares her daily routine that celebrates mind, body and soul.
I wake up and go through my morning routine, which is super important to me. It sets the tone for me every single day and it actually inspired me to start Sera and Mattina and Collective Ritual, two of my businesses. Early in the morning I drink green juice, go for a walk with my boyfriend and our dogs, and meditate and journal.
8:00 AM
I head to a workout, either at Modo Yoga in Miami or a session with my personal trainer, Italo Fernandes.
10:00 AM
I come home and make myself breakfast. Then I take my Sera and Mattina supplements, make a coffee, start answering emails, and get to my ‘to-do’ list of the day.
11:00 AM
I jump on a call with my best friend and The Collective Ritual partner, Hailey Outland. This company has been such a passion of mine, so I love this part of my day.
1:00 PM
I head to the factory and meet with my Research and Development team to work on Sera and Mattina. Or I head to Delicious Raw Juice Bar in Miami and work from there for a couple of hours.
4:30 PM
I catch up on any content I need to shoot for my personal brands or brands I am working with at the moment.
6:30 PM
I start making dinner. I love to cook, so during the week I usually do that every single night. I’ll probably make a recipe I found on The Collective Ritual like wild caught salmon or a coconut curry dish. I clean up and start winding down the house after that.
8:30 PM
I relax on the couch with tea and some dark chocolate and catch up with my boyfriend.
10:00 PM
My bedtime routine is just as important as my morning one. As long as I keep my morning and evening routines consistent, I can stay on top of my schedule. I’m off my phone an hour before bed and I set the mood with red light in the bedroom, music, and some nice candles. I like to journal before bed and plan out my next day to-do list. I always think a successful day starts the night before.