An Olympian with a rock star pedigree to boot, show jumping champion JESSICA SPRINGSTEEN readies for an epic summer that may include another try at Olympic gold in Paris. Meet the beautiful athlete whose equestrian dreams are as unrestrained as her spirit.


WHAT DO YOU REMEMBER MOST ABOUT GROWING UP IN NEW JERSEY? I loved growing up in New Jersey. We still have our farm there, and growing up, we had goats, chickens, pigs, horses, and cows, you name it! Being around so many animals and learning to care for them was incredible. We were always outdoors, and I have many special memories of my childhood there. We would fish in our pond in the summer and ice skate on it in the winter. We learned about caring for the younger animals, the foals, and chicks. Of course, I immediately gravitated towards horses. But initially, it was more about just being in their presence. I was more timid when I was younger, so I enjoyed brushing, bathing, and spending time with them. We would all go out on family rides, primarily Western. It truly is one of my fondest memories.

WHAT WAS THE FIRST THOUGHT YOU HAD AFTER WINNING SILVER MEDAL IN TOKYO IN 2020? It took me a while to process it! Everything happened so quickly that day. I remember getting on for the jump-off, and my groom, Josie, told me we had a medal! I was honored to be a part of that team and proud of what we accomplished. My first thought was that I wished my friends and family could have been there; it was just such a magical moment. We had all worked so hard with our teams; everyone put so much into it, and winning really isn’t possible without that support system. When everyone’s hard work comes together in one of the most critical moments of our sport, there’s no better feeling.

WITH THE PARIS 2024 SUMMER OLYMPICS AROUND THE CORNER, WHAT GOALS ARE YOU HOPING TO FULFILL? I always try to do my personal best. In this sport, you are constantly learning every day. It’s not just about you but also about keeping your horse in the best shape possible. I try to always make the best plan for my horses to stay healthy and happy. I stay focused on my journey, continue learning from everyone around me, and try to improve daily.

DO YOU HAVE ANY RITUALS BEFORE GETTING IN THE RING? I go through the course in my mind, anticipate what might happen and what I need to think about at every fence. Visualization is very important to me. I love being on course because you are 100% focused for those few minutes. You must be entirely in the moment and in tune with your horse. Whatever else is happening around you completely fades into the background after that bell goes off.

WHOSE CAREER IN YOUR WORLD ARE YOU MOST IMPRESSED BY? Laura Kraut is someone I’ve grown up admiring and have been lucky enough to work with. She has always been an inspiration to me. She is unbelievably talented. She can ride any horse in the world and always makes it happen. She is so focused under pressure and naturally gifted, but I love her relationship with her horses and how much she loves them most. They fight for her because of the trust she’s built with them.

TELL US ABOUT YOUR HORSE DON JUAN VAN DE DONKHOEVE? Don is the most extraordinary animal. He just makes you smile every day. It was so much fun to have him on the farm in New Jersey before the Hampton Classic last year and to be able to take him out in the woods and on hacks. He loves the trails but equally loves to compete. Don is one of those horses that loves his job, making it so much fun to work with him daily. I feel so lucky to have had him for so many years. I have a great group of horses right now. They are all so different, and I’ve learned so many things from each of them. It’s the best feeling when you can build that relationship and develop trust. That is the most rewarding part of this sport.

BESIDES ACCESS TO EXCELLENT FACILITIES, WHAT ARE SOME OF YOUR FAVORITE THINGS ABOUT BEING BASED IN SOUTH FLORIDA? Being in one place for three months is a rarity in our sport! It is the one time a year we get to have a consistent routine. I really get into my workouts, and I get to spend a lot of time with my friends and family. Everyone wants to visit and get out of the chilly winter up north!

YOU’VE BEEN AN AMBASSADOR FOR MANY FASHION BRANDS OVER THE YEARS. WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS ABOUT THEIR PART IN YOUR SPORT? The riding uniform has always been so classic and stylish, so it makes perfect sense for fashion brands to get involved. The sport is growing so much, and people are starting to build on the classic style and add fun twists. It’s cool to see and has definitely influenced my style as I’ve grown up riding.

WHAT IS YOUR ‘FEELING MY BEST’ ROUTINE? Nothing beats a good night’s sleep and treating your body kindly. I try to move my body at least once daily, not including riding, even if it’s just a short walk or a bike ride. I love running and try to do that at least twice a week because it clears my mind. Recently, I’ve gotten into resistance training, which I absolutely love, and I have felt a big difference in the saddle because of it.




Affectionately known as “The Pink Paradise,” The Colony Hotel in Palm Beach is an icon located steps away from the Atlantic Ocean and Worth Avenue. The 93-room property, also the backdrop to our cover story, provides unique offerings for guests of all ages delivered with style.

The Colony’s vintage charm and character is core to the hotel’s ethos, including the hotel’s guestrooms and suites that have been custom-decorated by Kemble Interiors in punchy shades with scalloped trim and wicker accents that are totally Palm Beach. For those in residence for one month, there are also fourteen multi-bedroom residences that have been individually decorated, including recent design partnerships with goop, Gwyneth Paltrow’s lifestyle brand, and Chairish, an emporium for antique furnishings. While staying at The Colony, guests can also dine poolside at Swifty’s or grab a quick bite from the Pink Paradise Cafe. Seasonal programming includes in-house spa services by Naturopathica, weekly classes by celebrity fitness program Tracy Anderson Method, and a pop-up experience from Dolce & Gabbana.


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