Who are the members of your team?
Co-Founders Ben Brissi & Zach Joslin

What is the team’s favorite property sold and/or work experience?
We have so many favorites! One of our favorite aspects of the business is being able to exceed our client’s expectations. One of my favorite examples of this is a house that we sold in North Bay Village where we walked the sellers through some pre-sale renovations and sold the house for more than 40% above what they originally expected.

Does your team work mostly with buyers or sellers?
We love working with both! Our transactions are pretty evenly split between buyers and sellers.

What sets you apart from other teams?
Ben is a licensed attorney (non-practicing) and also has a background in Finance holding Securities Licenses 7 and 63. Zach has a background in Architecture and Marketing. We each leverage our individual skill sets as a team to help our clients.

What’s the biggest real estate trend your team is seeing right now?
One of the biggest shifts we are seeing in the Miami market right now is a shift from a luxury market dominated by second home-buyers to buyers purchasing as a primary residence. Miami used to be known as a “Playground for the Rich” but wasn’t necessarily a place you moved to full-time while you were still building your career. This has changed dramatically as more and more companies open offices as well as new headquarters here. This leads to increased demand for larger homes, both single family and condominiums.

Where is your team’s office located?
Our office is located on Lincoln Road in the heart of South Beach.

Do you work mostly with single-family homes, condominiums, land, etc.?
We specialize in what the client needs. Our business is relationship based and we’ve helped our clients with transactions from single family homes to condominiums to rentals to complicated deals like bulk purchases of condo units and commercial deals.

What makes your team a success?
We are laser focused on providing the best possible advice to our clients to help make their transaction as effortless and stress-free as possible. The majority of our business comes from referrals from our satisfied clients.

What goes into deciding what makes a house a perfect addition to your sales inventory?
In our opinion, stories sell luxury real estate. Anyone can point out how many bedrooms and bathrooms a house has or that it has an updated kitchen. The art lies in telling the story of how the client will enjoy living in the home.


561.870.2211 / 56.222.5240

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